What Laura Duty brings to the table

  • Ability to offer a big picture view of your work.

  • Connecting your work with that of others in the community.

  • Experience from both the funding and the nonprofit perspective.

  • Patience, clarity, and expertise.


  • Individuals, giving circles, funding collaboratives, and foundations - especially those with few or no staff.

  • Small to mid-size nonprofit agencies - especially those with fewer or limited staff.

  • Grassroots organizations and collaborative efforts.

  • Nonprofits working in the social services, educational arena, and those focused on arts and history.

Services for philanthropists and nonprofits

  • Capacity building through organizational, programatic, and operational strategy development.

  • Dialogue gathering through identifying and connecting players in your community and beyond.

  • Technical expertise for philanthropists by supporting grantees, your staff, and your individual giving.

  • Technical expertise for nonprofits through coaching, mentoring, and training.

  • Facilitation - in person and virtual.

  • Aligning key leadership.