Nonprofit partnerships

Unchartered Waters and Philanthropy's Reaction

Unchartered Waters and Philanthropy's Reaction

As with all businesses, the nonprofit sector is already feeling the effects of COVID-19. However, on the positive side, I am beginning to see creative responses from funders and nonprofits alike. My hope is that by sharing some of these examples new ideas will come to light. Now more than ever we must band together to navigate these uncharted waters.

What Grantmakers Can Do to Help Nonprofits Thrive

What Grantmakers Can Do to Help Nonprofits Thrive

Are there creative solutions gratmakers can and should incorporate into their work to help nonprofits thrive? Read Phil Buchanan’s April 2, 2019 Opinion piece for the Chronicle of Philanthropy to learn his ideas based on research for his latest book, Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count.