Philanthropy in Motion and the Restaurant Industry Amid COVID-19

Philanthropy in Motion and the Restaurant Industry Amid COVID-19

A ray of hope during this pandemic. The intersection of philanthropy and innovation within the restaurant industry to help restaurant workers survive the downturn and to feed others in our communities who are struggling.

Unchartered Waters and Philanthropy's Reaction

Unchartered Waters and Philanthropy's Reaction

As with all businesses, the nonprofit sector is already feeling the effects of COVID-19. However, on the positive side, I am beginning to see creative responses from funders and nonprofits alike. My hope is that by sharing some of these examples new ideas will come to light. Now more than ever we must band together to navigate these uncharted waters.

Nonprofit Starvation Cycle - What's That?

Nonprofit Starvation Cycle - What's That?

The term “starvation cycle” for nonprofits refers to a chronic underfunding of programs due to a fear that funders will find the program too costly, a reluctance by funders to cover salaries - often the bulk of agencies’ operating budgets, and a belief that nonprofits can easily make up this deficit through general fundraising.

For more, turn to the content developed by the Bridgespan Group and posted on the 9/4/19 issue of the Chronicle of Philanthropy.