Nonprofit Starvation Cycle - What's That?

Nonprofit Starvation Cycle - What's That?

The term “starvation cycle” for nonprofits refers to a chronic underfunding of programs due to a fear that funders will find the program too costly, a reluctance by funders to cover salaries - often the bulk of agencies’ operating budgets, and a belief that nonprofits can easily make up this deficit through general fundraising.

For more, turn to the content developed by the Bridgespan Group and posted on the 9/4/19 issue of the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

What Grantmakers Can Do to Help Nonprofits Thrive

What Grantmakers Can Do to Help Nonprofits Thrive

Are there creative solutions gratmakers can and should incorporate into their work to help nonprofits thrive? Read Phil Buchanan’s April 2, 2019 Opinion piece for the Chronicle of Philanthropy to learn his ideas based on research for his latest book, Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count.

The Foellinger Foundation Introduces a New Evaluation System

The Foellinger Foundation Introduces a New Evaluation System

The Indiana based Foellinger Foundation redesigned their evaluation system to better align with the outputs and outcomes measured and reported by their grantees. More food for thought. What is your reaction to this work? Have you been involved in a similar project? If so, tell us about it.